Chillmitts [Oobag] Gyrognome Puma Burgular Level 2 (exp. 345/1279) Plot stage: Act I (5 hours remaining) Quest: Exterminate the Gargoyles (40% complete) Stats: STR 11 CON 10 DEX 6 INT 8 WIS 5 HP Max 9 CHA 16 MP Max 11 Equipment: Shield Pie Plate Helm -2 Holey Threadbare Chamois Hauberk -2 Burlap Vambraces Macrame Gauntlets Mildewed Motheaten Chamois Gambeson Macrame Greaves -4 Faded Chamois Spell Book: Slime Finger II Sadness I Seasick I Inventory (19/21 cubits): 89 gold pieces a peryton antler a lizard man tail a pirate booty a gray ooze gravy a hobgoblin patella a violet fungi spore 2 billy goat beards an eel sashimi 6 yellow mold spores 2 nixie webbings the Fearsome Laurel of Prurience -- 4/12/2003 1:19:29 PM -- Progress Quest 6.2 -